

Deoxycholic Acid

Kybella is an injectable that can permanently dissolve unwanted fat pockets such as the double chin. Kybella is the only FDA approved injectable that improves submental fullness also known as the double chin. With using Kybella in the submental region, you can enhance and sharpen your jawline and side profile. 

Kybella is a form of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps absorb fat naturally. After getting a treatment, you will start seeing results in 4-8 weeks. I recommend getting 2-4 Kybella treatments in order to achieve desired results. If you are wondering if you are a candidate, schedule a consultation to discuss a treatment plan for you. 

Benefits & solutions

  • Dissolve double chin
  • Sharper jawline
  • Improved side profile

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2301 NW Loop, Suite 103

Stephenville, TX 76401


(817) 736-9976



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